Several of my real and blog friends have recently posted "some number" of random facts about themselves. I offer this spin on that...just random musings.
1. When you are really really tired, and should be sleeping, heck yeah, what better time to post a random list of pointless musings on your blog?
2. My life is the end of every January, I look back on that month as breath a great sigh of relief that I survived another one. TGIF (Thank goodness its February).
3. I hope that the Cory Family Uncle Sam savings plan will be good this year (i.e. yes, we loaned our money to the government all year so our leaders could do important things with it, only to give it back to us in the form of a tax refund).
4. Wait, I may need to come back later and see if I can come up with a list of important things our government did with our money this year. I may have to take suggestions on that one.
5. I've been asked about my Mom alot lately...I miss her (from here to Nebraska), but I'm really really going to miss her when she is gone. I'm going to St. Louis with students in a couple of weeks and will see my family in Nebraska on the way!
6. My sisters have seemingly not embraced this blog thing (hint, hint...what do my niece and nephew look like? for that matter, what do my sisters look like these days? What are they up to? )
7. I'm so over snow.
8. My attention span is not cut out for more than 20 minutes of most anything...yes, even scrapbooking. So, tomorrow, when I'm sitting in class for 6 can share in my pain.
9. I really wish I had a time turner like Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. Among the things I would do with double the time are:
hang out with my family more (both my kids and DH, but also brother, sisters, sis-in-law, etc.) . I'd also have my "other self" work out more, while "this self" sleeps.
10. My brother and his wife have also seemingly not embraced this blog thing. Strangely enough, he is the techy one...and I'm the one blogging (yes, DF, that is a challenge...a dual if you will).
11. I have really funny kids. Tonight, #1 described something at school as a "monstrosity"...the kid has a good grasp of the English language and a really dry sense of humor. Trust had to be there.
12. #3 recently told me after a long night at Splash and Dash ( a kids night at the pool/parents night out) that he didn't need to take a shower to get all the bad chemicals off, because " when I was sitting on my towl drying off, all the bad chemicals just crawled onto my towel, Mom".
13. American Girl dolls are just plastic and whatever. Why are they such a big deal and so expensive? is all the girl will think/talk about. She will be in 10th grade talking about Felicity or Kristen or some other doll. Geez...
14. Grandparents that send cards and notes for Granddaughter's birthdays are really awesome!
15. During January, I really really miss my sanity, my friends, my family and "my life". Did I mention I'm so glad it's February?
16. Why do cows typically have one calf at a time and have multiple udders? This is in my "top ten things I need to ask God" list.
17. I love my I just need to get "out there" and get some great music. Oh wait, I have just the thing, my new ABBA, #1 Hits CD. Trust can't help but move to ABBA.
18. Despite the concerns mentioned in #3, this is a great country. I'm so grateful to live here.
19. Micheal Phelps was caught on camera, smoking weed from a bong. Nice. So glad we make a big deal out of athletes. People... they are just people too!
20. I realize more and more it is unfortunately quite easy to lie to me. This is not good given my line of work and the fact that I have kids.
21. Kid #1 turns 13 this week! Are you kidding me? Ugh!
22. Did you know that I think I have adult on-set ADD. That is a real thing you know. OK, maybe it's not adult-onset, but just adult-obvious. Really...I'm going to bed!